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Dr Marilyn, Measuring Emotions across 96 possibilities.
Dr Marilyn, Measuring Emotions across 96 possibilities.

Motivation by the Mile:

Inspiration for Everyday!

We can run our lives or our lives will run us! Be prepared to be empowered and validated … Whether you are a runner or not!


Dr. Marilyn truly believes that we should blaze our own path! She started a running lifestyle in 1989 by going from sedentary to mobile - in more ways than just running! Along the way, life laid out a very challenging course with unimaginable obstacles! She defied the odds to stay on course - literally and figuratively - year after year!


Join Dr. Marilyn as she shares moments along her life’s course through pictures and inspirational thoughts! It was not always a smooth journey! Her “miles” were logged through sweat and tears with the occasional bumps and bruises thrown in for good measure!


“Motivation by the Mile” is about Dr. Marilyn’s life experiences. These moments are presented in no particular chronological order. Rather, they are intended to inspire each of us to dig deeper and reach higher at every step along our life’s path. Our life’s course might become technical at times but Dr. Marilyn's journey will empower you as you gain “Motivation by the mile”! Here's to your daily inspiration ... And you do not have to run a step … Unless you want to!

Dr Marilyn, Measuring Emotions across 96 possibilities.
Dr Marilyn, Measuring Emotions across 96 possibilities.

Achievement Emotions: More than Feelings!


Emotions matter! We can no longer go through our daily endeavors thinking otherwise. In this poignant compilation, Dr. Marilyn takes you from the theoretical origins of how emotions impact achievement outcomes, through research implications to how Achievement Emotions are more than just feelings!

It is not enough to know WHAT we are, as in our accomplishments. We must be armed with the theoretical foundations that can transcend us beyond the common acceptance that if we are emotional then we are being "soft". Journey with Dr. Marilyn as she presents her novel approach to understanding WHAT, HOW and WHY we "feel" emotions. Let's take our emotions to CAMP!

Future Releases

Social Emotional Learning Series for Education Stakeholders

This will be an interactive series on the responsibilities of all stakeholders, in society, for educating our marginalized populations.

Book I Educating the Marginalized

Book II Children of Poverty: Cognitive & Emotional Development

Book III Children of Poverty Need Education NOT Excuses

Book IV Poverty, Race & Motivation

Book V Empowerment for Children of Poverty

Our Children are not Angry 

This will be an compilation of social emotional learning, SEL, data that has been collected during active research sessions. These data will be analyzed to show how CAMP Achievement Data can be used to predict positive outcomes for marginalized students, in particular, and all persons in general.

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